File an appeal for a policy enforcement

We'll restrict access to content that violates our abuse policies. If you believe the restricted content doesn't violate our rules, you can file an appeal. Learn more about our abuse policies.

Appeal your restricted content

Shared albums

We’ll restrict access to shared albums that violate our abuse policies. For example, other users can’t access your previous contributions and no new photos or videos can be added to it.

  • File an appeal:
    • If you’re the album owner and you believe the album doesn’t violate our rules: You can file an appeal. To begin the appeal process, go to the album on
    • If you’re not the album owner and you believe the album doesn’t violate our rules: Reach out to the owner and ask them to file an appeal.
    • Unless the appeal is granted, the shared album will continue to be restricted.

We’ll restrict conversations that violate our abuse policies. For example, other users can’t access your previous contributions and no new photos or videos can be added to it.

  • File an appeal:
    • If you believe the conversation doesn’t violate our rules: You can file an appeal. To begin the appeal process, go to the conversation on Unless the appeal is granted, the conversation will continue to be restricted.
Photos & videos

We’ll restrict photos and videos that violate our abuse policies. As a result, other users can’t access these photos and videos in shared albums and conversations. The photo or video will remain part of your library and can still be downloaded or deleted.

  • File an appeal:
    • If you believe the photo or video doesn’t violate our rules: You can file an appeal. To begin the appeal process, go to the photo or video on Unless the appeal is granted, the photo or video will continue to be restricted.

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